My teddy bear,bracelet and socks.
Stacey Pickard
12/30/2012 10:51:51 am

What a long day you had and very brave!

Leslie Burns
12/30/2012 11:09:44 am

I LOVE the slipper socks!! Thank you for sharing your adventure with us! I love you!

Brittney Brown- Miss Kingston 2013
12/30/2012 11:20:34 am

Carmen, you are such an incredible young lady! You are so brave, and are so inspiring! I am so glad you are recovering quickly, that way I can see you and hangout with you soon! Maybe watch some Harry Potter :) love you girl! Stay strong <3

Renee Arcement
12/30/2012 12:43:46 pm

Hi Carmen,

I know your mommy and grandma, I actually consider them friends. You mom made Thomas the tank engine cupcakes for me this past August. Who would have known she could bake!

Anyhow, I am so impressed with your writing a blog! I have worn those sick slippers too. They aren't the greatest, but they did keep my feet warm and helped me not slip around on the floor!

Also it is pretty cool they let you have dr pepper smelly stuff! I don't think I ever got to choose a smell. Probably smells a lot better than the plastic mask too!

I hope you keep blogging and am glad you are feeling good. 😊

Kristi Hart
12/31/2012 06:40:32 am

Oh, sweet, sweet Carmen,
What an inspiration you are! Thank you so much for shaing your story with us, you are our new super hero! We are so lucky to have you in our life. I can't wait to play Pop the Pig again with you :3) Hopefully real soon we can meet up again at Grandma Sandi and Grandpa Jim's house for some tasty food! Hugs to you!
Lots of love,
Shane-Kristi-Bren-Brookie <3

Your Betsy T
1/14/2013 02:21:19 am

Cool sox.And your really brave Carmen

Your besty T
1/17/2013 10:56:03 am

Nice Baer dude.


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